Extra Credit (Victimology) – Write My Paper Today

Extra Credit Assignment (This is for those who wish to partake.)

Chapter 5: Workplace Violence and Harassment

Chapter 6: School Violence and Victimization

(Assignment Due Date—July 24, 2022)

Points Possible: 100 Project Duration: 12-14 hours

Deliverable Length: 3-5 pages

A)  List the types of workplace violence discussed by the State of California Department of Industrial Relations/ Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

B)  What are some personal indicators (profile) of a potentially violent employee?

C)  Why is domestic violence a threat to the workplace? Are some work environments more susceptible to violence than others? Why?

D)  Discuss several risk factors that contribute to youth violence.

E)  Explain how schools are a source of victimization.

F)  What can teachers do to minimize their risk for victimization at school

The book is on my Pearson+ account if login is needed I will provide it 

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