LAW1014: On 3 May 2014, Azam wrote to Ben offering to sell to Ben his boat for RM2 million: Business law Assignment, SU, Malaysia

Question 1

On 3 May 2014, Azam wrote to Ben offering to sell to Ben his boat for RM2 million. The letter expressly stated that if Ben did not reply by 10 May 2014, he would be deemed to have accepted the offer.

On 9 May 2014, Azam sent a letter to Ben revoking his offer. On 10 May 2014, Benny posted a letter to Azam accepting Azam’s offer. Azam’s letter of revocation reached Benny on 11 May 2014. Ben’s letter of acceptance reached Azam on 12 May 2014.

Ben wishes to know whether there is a valid contract between him and Azam for the sale and purchase of the boat.

Advise Ben under the law of contract whether a contract has been formed between Azam and Ben with reference to relevant cases and provisions from the Malaysian Contracts Act 1950.

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