Conflict management strategies

      “Teacher Dispositions: What Kind of Candidates Do We Have in a Teacher Preparation Program, and How Can We Make Them Better?” from the
The post Conflict management strategies first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.




“Teacher Dispositions: What Kind of Candidates Do We Have in a Teacher Preparation Program, and How Can We Make Them Better?” from the Wk 1 University Library Activities
Teacher Education Handbook items:
Conceptual Framework (click on Conceptual Framework)
Supplemental Standards for Candidates in P–12 College of Education Programs (click on Professional Expectations and then Supplemental Standards)
Reflect on your own proficiency within the following areas:

Professional teacher dispositions
Communication skills
Collaboration skills
Write a 1-page reflection that addresses the following questions:

Which area do you feel most proficient in, and why? Which area do you feel least proficient in, and why?
What will you do to address any deficiencies you feel you have?
What resources are available to help you grow, such as professional organizations, online tools, and others?
Part 2: Communication and Collaboration Guide

Create a 2-page guide for beginning teachers that addresses professional communication and collaboration in education.

Include examples and descriptions for each of the following in relation to teaching in your guide:

Written communication strategies
Oral communication strategies
Communication resources
School-based collaborations
Grade-level team
Child study team
Professional learning community
Individual collaborations (e.g., teacher and colleague, teacher and family, teacher and student)
Collaboration strategies
Conflict management strategies

The post Conflict management strategies first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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