Nonverbal forms of communication require electronic communication

    Because a company-wide layoff is not routine, a leader would be more successful with face-to-face or phone communication. “Non-routine messages are often characterized by
The post Nonverbal forms of communication require electronic communication first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.



Because a company-wide layoff is not routine, a leader would be more successful with face-to-face or phone communication. “Non-routine messages are often characterized by time pressure and surprise”. This is a non-routine message because company layoffs usually come as a surprise to everyone. It is extremely important for a leader to select the correct channel of communication, and failure to do so could directly affect the productivity of the company at a high level. In my opinion, it is cowardly for a leader to simply send a memo to those affected by layoffs and then hide in his office without further communication. However, it is important to also send a memorandum so that there is documentation of the current situation of dismissal; it would be better to hand this out after face-to-face talks. When leaders speak directly with those affected, the possibility of false information being spread is eliminated. For less worrisome information, such as company picnics, since it is a routine message, it can be communicated through lower channels, such as a memo or letter. These can be sent via email or paper channels. For new corporate quality goals, especially those that require significant changes in the way my subordinates do their jobs, I would use redundant communication channels. It would accomplish this by sending the same message using many different channels. First, I would speak personally to the people affected by the new corporate quality goals and those employees who have to change their job performance in some way. Right after, I would write a follow-up email to those same employees with the key points we discussed in the meetings, which they can use for reference.

Nonverbal forms of communication require electronic communication, including text messages, blogs, and emails. To create a sense of trust and teamwork with my team, I would personally start a group text with everyone on my team. I think this helps to strengthen the relationships between the team as a whole because they can communicate effectively and quickly.

Write 200 words of your reflection on this work? (need to be in first person)

The post Nonverbal forms of communication require electronic communication first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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