Early Childhood Education Early childhood education (birth-age 8) is at the top of the national agenda, yet many children do not have access to the educational settings that they need. Order Essay For this assignment, write 3-5 pages about what constitutes a high quality early childhood program or policy by evaluating a current policy or policy initiative. In your paper, address the following:

Early Childhood Education


Early childhood education (birth-age 8) is at the top of the national agenda, yet many children do not have access to the educational settings that they need.


Order Essay

For this assignment, write 3-5 pages about what constitutes a high quality early childhood program or policy by evaluating a current policy or policy initiative.


In your paper, address the following:


1. Describe the characteristics of high quality early childhood programs.

2. Discuss and give examples of at least three benefits of early childhood education. Use scholarly research findings to support your position.

3. Apply psychological theories to a policy or policy initiative relating to early childhood education, such as No Child Left Behind (NCLB), Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Early Intervention, Head Start, or another program of your choosing. Include details about how the program is implemented and what population it aims to serve.

4. Explain how early childhood education and policy affect the physical, social, and cognitive aspects of child development. Use scholarly research findings to support your position.

Please make sure to develop clear and effective writing. Discover new writing strategies, and explore different ways to draft, revise, edit, and proofread your own work.


Assignment Requirements


Written communication:Ensure that your writing is free of errors that detract from the overall message.

APA formatting:Format your paper according to APA style , provide resources.

Length:Write 3-5 typed and double-spaced pages.

Font and font size:Use Times New Roman, 12 point.




Early Childhood Education Scoring Guide




Describes the characteristics and benefits of high quality early childhood programs

using relevant examples and scholarly research.

Applies psychological theories to a policy or policy initiative as it relates to early

childhood education, using relevant examples and scholarly research.

Analyzes how early childhood education and policy affect the physical, social, and

cognitive domains of child development, expanding on the explanations of the

domains and supporting the analysis with scholarly research.

Applies scholarly research findings to topics in childhood education, showing a clear

understanding of the connection between the research and child development.

Writing is coherent, using evidence to support a central idea with correct grammar,

usage, and mechanics as expected of a psychology professional.

Uses correct APA format and style consistently and with no errors.


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