Having a clear plan in place for identifying and responding to a crisis is important for all organizations: Public Relations and Strategic Communications Report, DCU, Ireland

Question 4

Having a clear plan in place for identifying and responding to a crisis is important for all organizations. An important aspect of this is how organizations respond when a crisis happens. Referring to Gonzalez-Herrero and Pratt’s (1996) Integrated Symmetrical Model for Crisis Communications Management and Coombs Situation Crisis Communication theory evaluate the effectiveness of the FAI’s response to the crisis which developed in 2019 following newspaper reports of an undisclosed loan given by the then CEO John Delaney to the FAI to cover a cash-flow problem in the organization. Your answer must include

A concise explanation of the relevant elements of the Crisis Communication and Management model and Situational Crisis Communication theory.
An analysis of the FAI’s crisis response. You should include cited extracts from various media reports at the time to illustrate your analysis.

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