5 OSHA Cases – read and analyze 5 of the following cases:8/22/13 – Hagel Metal 3/4/2011 – Spider-Man Play 8/2010 – Service Manufacturer Group … Buffalo plant 1/30/2014 – OSHA cites Missouri plumbing company 1/15/2014 – S&H violations at VA medical facility, Oregon 12/16/2013 – US Postal Service mail carrier, MA. 11/26/13 – Carney’s Point, NJ nursing home 8/13/2013 – MA mental health provider signs settlement 3/2012 – OSHA fines Res Care

5 OSHA Cases – read and analyze 5 of the following cases:8/22/13 – Hagel Metal
3/4/2011 – Spider-Man Play
8/2010 – Service Manufacturer Group … Buffalo plant
1/30/2014 – OSHA cites Missouri plumbing company
1/15/2014 – S&H violations at VA medical facility, Oregon
12/16/2013 – US Postal Service mail carrier, MA.
11/26/13 – Carney’s Point, NJ nursing home
8/13/2013 – MA mental health provider signs settlement
3/2012 – OSHA fines Res Care
7/29/2013 – Manassas, Va., air carrier
Identify the following for each case:

Nature of the business
Brief synopsis of what occurred
The work-related hazard, regulations and what specific violations were cited by OSHA in the case
Identify OSHA level of violations cited such as serious or willful violation(s).
To search for cases go to OSHA Regional News Release (Links to an external site.)

and search by date, and facility name. Listing is by month/year.

How to Find Case Information (Resources):

To research each case start with: OSHA News Release (Links to an external site.)
or see OSHA Regional News Release (Links to an external site.)
. Use the Year Quick Link to connect by date. Search by date, and facility name. Listing is by month/year.
You may also browse via OSHA Quick Takes (Links to an external site.)
(only gives the basics – no depth of case info.)
Federal OSHA Press Releases


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