In Week 5, you selected one of the Scholars of Change videos to begin the coding process. For this Discussion, you will select another Scholars of Change video, different than the one you selected in Week 5, to begin coding not only your field notes but also the transcript of the video you downloaded. To prepare for this Discussion: ReviewIntroduction to CodingandFrom Content to Coding. Make your observational field notes from Scholars of Change videos. Choose a Scholars of Change

In Week 5, you selected one of the Scholars of Change videos to begin the coding process. For this Discussion, you will select another Scholars of Change video, different than the one you selected in Week 5, to begin coding not only your field notes but also the transcript of the video you downloaded.
To prepare for this Discussion:
ReviewIntroduction to CodingandFrom Content to Coding.
Make your observational field notes from Scholars of Change videos.
Choose a Scholars of Change video and refer to your notes from your observation for this Discussion.
Access the transcript you downloaded for the media program of the Scholars of Change video you selected for this Discussion.
Begin to code the transcript and the observational field notes of the Scholar of Change video you chose. (Note:You will only need one or two codes for this Discussion, although more are acceptable.)

Post a brief description of the video you chose. Next, include an example of one or two codes and provide quotes from your notes or transcript to support your example. Finally, explain your reasoning for this coding.
Be sure to support your main post and response post with reference to the week’s Learning Resources and other scholarly evidence in APA style.


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