Question 1.1.1 In an organization you are currently working, think of how knowledge is being managed. Discuss how you would assess the level of personalization or codification strategies involved? (20)Question 2.2.1 Imagine you are given the position of IS Manager in your organization, what would be you approach to strategy? (10)2.2 Which strategic options, or a combination of options, would you choose, given the nature of your organization, and why? (15)Question 3.3.1 Discuss how organizations can create learning environments that support effective learning.? (10)3.2 How would you influence your staff to be more proactive and take greater ownership of their learning as a manager? (10)Question 4.4.1 Knowledge sharing necessitates a degree of transparency and cooperation among organizational members. Discuss the dangers of highly competitive environments to organizational learning. (10

Question 1.1.1 In an organization you are currently working, think of how knowledge is being managed. Discuss how you would assess the level of personalization or codification strategies involved? (20)Question 2.2.1 Imagine you are given the position of IS Manager in your organization, what would be you approach to strategy? (10)2.2 Which strategic options, or a combination of options, would you choose, given the nature of your organization, and why? (15)Question 3.3.1 Discuss how organizations can create learning environments that support effective learning.? (10)3.2 How would you influence your staff to be more proactive and take greater ownership of their learning as a manager? (10)Question 4.4.1 Knowledge sharing necessitates a degree of transparency and cooperation among organizational members. Discuss the dangers of highly competitive environments to organizational learning. (10


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