Describe the difference between a locally hosted school (ie. in an enterprise data centre) and a school service provided using a SaaS provider. What are the critical points, other than cost, that an enterprise would need to consider in choosing to migrate from a locally hosted service to an SaaS service? Your description should take no more than two to 3 pages. o Describe the difference between locally hosted university infrastructure (ie. in an enterprise data centre) and a university infrastructure provided using an IaaS provider. What are the critical points, other than cost, that an enterprise would need to consider in choosing to migrate from loc

Assessment Brief: BIS3005 Cloud Computing
Trimester 2, 2022

Due date: Week 7
Group/individual: Individual
Word count/Time provided: 2000
Weighting: 30%
Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO1, ULO2, ULO3, and ULO5

Assessment 3 Detail


Answer each of the questions below:
o Describe the difference between a locally hosted school (ie. in an enterprise data centre) and a school service provided using a SaaS provider. What are the critical points, other than cost, that an enterprise would need to consider in choosing to migrate from a locally hosted service to an SaaS service? Your description should take no more than two to 3 pages.
o Describe the difference between locally hosted university infrastructure (ie. in an enterprise data centre) and a university infrastructure provided using an IaaS provider. What are the critical points, other than cost, that an enterprise would need to consider in choosing to migrate from local hosted infrastructure to an IaaS service provider? Your description should take no more than two to 3 pages. o ECA, wants to investigate moving two of its educational arms to a servicebased model where many of its services would be supplied to its clients as a service, in addition to its plans to move to an IaaS model. There are several infrastructure models that could possibly be used to achieve this. Some of these models are:
1. Local hosted infrastructure and applications.
2. Local hosted infrastructure with some SaaS applications.
3. Hybrid infrastructure (some locally hosted infrastructure with some IaaS) and applications.
4. Hybrid infrastructure and applications with some SaaS applications.
5. Full IaaS model with some with SaaS apps.
6. Full SaaS model.
You are required to choose an infrastructure model that you think will achieve the
ECA Roadmap;
Describe the benefits and drawbacks, excluding costs, of your chosen infrastructure model. Your description should take no more than two to 3 pages.

Assessments 3 Marking Criteria and Rubric
The assessment will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 30% of the total unit mark. The marking criteria and rubric are shown on the following page.

Assessment 2 Marking Criteria and Rubric
Marking Criteria Excellent
(85-100% of the criterion mark) Very Good
(75-84% of the criterion mark) Good
(65-74% of the criterion mark) Satisfactory
(50-64% of the criterion mark) Not Satisfactory
(0-49% of the criterion mark)
Q1 – Services ( 30 Marks) Clear, comprehensive description of a school service differences, critical points identified & discussed Detailed description of a school service differences, critical points identified & discussed, Good description of school service differences, some critical points identified
& discussed, Adequate description of school service differences, some critical points identified Incomplete or inadequate description of school service differences, none or few critical points identified
Q2 –
( 30 Marks) Clear, comprehensive description of university infrastructure differences, critical points identified & discussed, Detailed description of university infrastructure differences, critical points identified & discussed, Good description of university infrastructure differences, some critical points identified
& discussed, Adequate description
of university infrastructure differences, some critical points identified Inadequate or incomplete description of university infrastructure differences, none or few critical points identified
( 20 Marks) Clear & comprehensive description of ECA infrastructure model choice and reasoning Detailed description of ECA infrastructure model choice and reasoning Good description of ECA infrastructure model choice with some reasoning Adequate description of ECA infrastructure model choice with limited reasoning Inadequate or incomplete description of ECA infrastructure model choice with no reasoning
Q3b Benefits &
( 20 Marks) Clear & comprehensive description of
infrastructure benefits and drawbacks with reasoning Detailed description of infrastructure benefits and drawbacks with reasoning Good description of infrastructure benefits and drawbacks with some reasoning Adequate description of infrastructure benefits and drawbacks with limited reasoning Inadequate or incomplete description of infrastructure benefits and drawbacks with no reasoning
Presentation Up to 5 marks may be deducted for poor presentation, spelling and grammar


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