Choose a health policy model from the text and discuss a policy in health care that was implemented using the particular model. Note why this particular policy meets the requirements of the model it represents and what Constitutional or U.S. government powers were instrumental in this policy. Table 8-1 Policy Analysis Data Sources • Policy documents ? Legislation ? Journals ? Academic books

Choose a health policy model from the text and discuss a policy in health care that was implemented using the particular model. Note why this particular policy meets the requirements of the model it represents and what Constitutional or U.S. government powers were instrumental in this policy.
Table 8-1 Policy Analysis Data Sources
• Policy documents
? Legislation
? Journals
? Academic books
? Position papers
? Copies of public testimony
? Annual organizational reports
? Reports from think tanks, interest groups, consultants, governmental and nongovernmental agencies
• Interviews
• Focus groups
• Policy evaluation reports
Table 8-2 Document Analysis
• Who authored the document? What are the author’s political affiliations?
• Who published the document? What are their vested interest?
• What prompted the writing of the document?
• Does the document contain primary or secondary data sources? Is the document, in its entirety, a primary or secondary data source, or combined?
• What is the authenticity of the documents?
• How did the document frame the issue or problem?
• Is the document clear and logical?
• Can the document’s contents be corroborated with other sources of data?
• Are there contradictory or competing interpretations of the document?
Process Model
The process model identifies the stages of policymaking and then analyzes the determinants associated with each of the respective stages. In the process model, the policy analyst uses any policymaking model as the framework with which to conduct policy analysis (Lester & Stewart, 2000). Figure 8-1 presents a conceptual policy analysis framework. The framework proposes the broad conceptual areas of content, process, actors, and context.


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