Choose an individual demonstrating a particular disorder. Google the topic to see what kind of information is available out there. If there is a famous person you would like to write about or a character from a book or movie, write about them. An example of a completed paper is provided ( I have attached the document below). Follow the form of the example, but do not use the content. I have provided notes called “School of Theory” to give you ideas on what to write about. Notice it names all eight schools in a list that is color-coded.< The first line for each school gives examples of theorists, The second line provides concepts, the ones who would explain the cause of a disorder. The third line provides applications, the treatments that would treat a disorder. So the concepts in line two will help you do the Justification, and the third line will with the prognosis

Choose an individual demonstrating a particular disorder. Google the topic to see what kind of information is available out there. If there is a famous person you would like to write about or a character from a book or movie, write about them. An example of a completed paper is provided ( I have attached the document below). Follow the form of the example, but do not use the content. I have provided notes called “School of Theory” to give you ideas on what to write about. Notice it names all eight schools in a list that is color-coded.<
The first line for each school gives examples of theorists, The second line provides concepts, the ones who would explain the cause of a disorder. The third line provides applications, the treatments that would treat a disorder. So the concepts in line two will help you do the Justification, and the third line will with the prognosis


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