EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION PROGRAM ECE1110 – COMMUNITIES, FAMILIES & SUPPORT NETWORKS ASSIGNMENT GUIDELINE (Personal Reflections Essay) 45% The student will write an essay summarizing and evaluating families, values, prejudices, beliefs, etc. and how this will affect the way they will develop relationships with the families they will be working with in the future. Due: For Hand-in ______________________________________________________________________________ 1. Start by analyzing your own values and beliefs and how you care to hold those values and beliefs. 2. Reflect on your own personal prejudices and how these may have developed. 3. Reflect on your role within your own personal family unit. 4. Reflect on your views towards the different types of family units that are discussed in class. 5. Look at Canada and share your view on whether or not you feel it is a diverse country. Why or why not? 6. With the awareness you have gained from answering the above questions (1-5), state guidelines you would follow in a childcare setting in order to maintain a non-biased approach to interactions with children, their families, and co-workers. 7. Your essay should be approximately 3 – 5 pages in length and should cover all of the above topics. 8. The assignment must be typed, double spaced, include a title page with name, student I.D.#, instructor’s name, date, and module name and number.



ASSIGNMENT GUIDELINE (Personal Reflections Essay) 45%

The student will write an essay summarizing and evaluating families, values, prejudices, beliefs, etc. and how this will affect the way they will develop relationships with the families they will be working with in the future.

Due: For Hand-in


1. Start by analyzing your own values and beliefs and how you care to hold those values and beliefs.

2. Reflect on your own personal prejudices and how these may have developed.

3. Reflect on your role within your own personal family unit.

4. Reflect on your views towards the different types of family units that are discussed in class.

5. Look at Canada and share your view on whether or not you feel it is a diverse country. Why or why not?

6. With the awareness you have gained from answering the above questions (1-5), state guidelines you would follow in a childcare setting in order to maintain a non-biased approach to interactions with children, their families, and co-workers.

7. Your essay should be approximately 3 – 5 pages in length and should cover all of the above topics.

8. The assignment must be typed, double spaced, include a title page with name, student I.D.#, instructor’s name, date, and module name and number.

Remember … Follow the guideline and include all required

information as you will be marked based on this guideline criteria.

© 2019 Revised March 2019

Student Name: _____________________________

Student I.D. #: ______________________________

Module: ECE1110 – Communities, Families and

Support Networks

ASSIGNMENT EVALUATION (Personal Reflections Essay)

1. Did the student’s essay include a statement of their own values and beliefs?

0 1 2 3 4 5

2. Did the student state their own prejudices and how they arrived at them?

0 1 2 3 4 5

3. Was the student’s own role in their family defined? Did they make it clear what their views towards families are?

0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5

4. Did the student discuss their views on Canada as a diverse country?

0 1 2 3 4 5

5. Did the student clearly articulate guidelines that they would follow in a childcare setting in order to maintain a non-biased approach to interactions with children, their families, and co-workers?

0 1 2 3 4 5

6. Did the student ‘s essay reflect overall effort (including grammar, spelling, etc.)?


Comments: __________________________________________________________________________



Mark for this assignment /45 ___________________________________________


© 2019 Revised March 2019



ASSIGNMENT GUIDELINE (Parent/Family Newsletter) 45%

The student will design and create a ‘newsletter’ for parents/families. The newsletter will be based on a particular month of their choice and will include any information relevant to parents about the centre in this particular month, the children, the curriculum, etc. The newsletter will be informative and appropriate for parents/families; and students will design the newsletter in a visually appealing way. They will also include an invitation for parents/families to the centre for a specific event(s).

Due: Session 5 For Hand-in________________________________________________________________________

1. You will design a newsletter for parents/families; which includes the centre’s “name”, a date, and an opening statement that would be appealing to parents/families.

2. Your newsletter must include the following information:

• Highlights of what children will be learning in the particular “month”.

• Information relevant to parents/families about the curriculum that will be presented to children in the particular “month”.

• Information on day(s) and/or time(s) of the specific event(s)

• Any other information or additions you feel parents/families need to know about or be reminded of (e.g. allergies, holidays, upcoming centre closures, policies, upcoming field trips, etc.)

• Children’s birthdays

3. Your newsletter must be no more than 1 double-sided page and must also be visually appealing and professional-looking.

4. You must ensure you have used correct grammar and spelling throughout the newsletter.

5. Create a newsletter that would ‘entice’ parents/families to participate in the “month’s”curriculum and event(s), and remember to use the newsletter as an invitation for parents/families to approach you with any questions or concerns.

6. Your opening statement will be worded with enthusiasm and a professional, friendly manner.

7. The assignment must have a title page with your name, student I.D.#, instructor’s name, date, and module name and number.

Remember … Follow the guideline and include all requiredinformation as you will be marked based on this guideline criteria.

© 2019 Revised March 2019

Student Name: _____________________________

Student I.D. #: ______________________________

Module: ECE1110 – Communities, Families and Support Networks

ASSIGNMENT EVALUATION (Parent/Family Newsletter)

1. Did the student design a newsletter for parents/families; which includes the centre’s “name” a specific date, and an opening statement that would be appealing

to parents/families?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2. Did the newsletter they created contain necessary information (as per assignment


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

3. Was the newsletter visually appealing?

0 1 2 3 4 5

4. Was correct grammar and spelling used throughout the newsletter– something ready for parents/families to read?

0 1 2 3 4 5

5. Would the newsletter be something a centre could use to ‘communicate’ with parents/families (e.g. did it look professional, did it give good information to parents/families, and did it reflect quality staff, professionalism, a quality childcare centre, etc.)?

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Comments: __________________________________________________________________________


Mark for this assignment /45 ___________________________________________

© 2019 Revised March 2019


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