BMGT10140: Complete a PESTLE AND SWOT analysis of the chosen business and explain your thinking.: Business Plan Assignment, UCD, Ireland

Hello, This individual assignment should demonstrate understanding of what you have learned in Business Planning, by completing the following THREE tasks:

Task 1

For the organisation where you currently work (or are about to start working in), describe and evaluate the Mission, Vision and Value Statements (if available). If not available, prepare what you would recommend for use by the business and explain the reasoning for your recommendations.

Task 2

Complete a PESTLE AND SWOT analysis of the chosen business and explain your thinking.

Task 3

Evaluate and describe how the chosen business practices its market discipline (i.e. how it prioritises and ensures progress on each of Product Leadership, Operational Excellence and Customer Intimacy strategies).

Evaluation of this assignment will be based on the following criteria:

1. Demonstrating understanding of Vision, Mission and Value Statements.

2. Demonstrating understanding and usefulness of PESTLE and SWOT

3. Demonstrating critical understanding of Market Discipline

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