Describe how a clinician might use Behavioural Theory in conceptualising a clinical case. Question 2 Describe the main theoretical differences between Acceptance and Commitment


Question 1
Describe how a clinician might use Behavioural Theory in conceptualising a clinical case.
Question 2
Describe the main theoretical differences between Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and traditional Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.
Question 3
What are the key features of a Cognitive Analytic therapy formulation?

Answer the following two questions based on the vignette below.
Rhiannon is a 57-year-old woman who has a history of abusive relationships where she was the victim of domestic violence. Her current partner of ten years has been abusive in the past but their relationship is now no longer physically abuse given her partner’s failing health. Rhiannon’s partner has recently been diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease following years of crack cocaine and heroin use; he has diabetes and mobility problems.
Rhiannon had a difficult upbringing: her mother was a single parent and drug user. She had numerous stepfathers many of who were violent and unpredictable and you suspect Rhiannon was sexually abused but she has not disclosed this. Rhiannon’s older brother and sister have also had drug problems in the past and have severe and enduring mental health problems. Rhiannon smoked cannabis from age 12, used amphetamine at 15 and was addicted to heroin at 21. Rhiannon has been on and off methadone scripts for many years typically during a prison sentence: Rhiannon has a history of theft, violence and drug possession.
Rhiannon has some contact with her siblings but is not particularly close to them. She does not have children of her own but her partner has adult children and grandchildren that she sees occasionally. Her relationship with them is good.
Despite the previous violence in her current relationship, Rhiannon describes her current situation as being the most stable of her life. She has a permanent home in a town that she likes. She has enough money to live on and her partner is not violent to her. She is no longer taking illicit substances and is stable on a methadone script. Despite this, in the past year she has resumed shoplifting typically once week. She is not stealing items of worth or value to herself and is not stealing to sell the items. Rhiannon was recently caught by a shop owner and was cautioned by the police.
Rhiannon has sought psychological therapy because she cannot understand her own behaviour of shoplifting and is concerned she might end up in prison again. Now she finally has her live settled she feels she will ruin it with her own behaviour. She admits to feeling anxious about her future. To manage she has now started doing her shopping in another town.
1. Using one of the psychological therapy models covered the module formulate your understanding of Rhiannon’s presentation.
2. Using the psychological therapy model you used to formulate your answer to question 1 above, described a treatment plan for Rhiannon.

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