Final Paper WGST302: Introduction to Women’s Studies Due: WEDNESDAY MAY 18 BY

Final Paper

WGST302: Introduction to Women’s Studies



The final paper is a 4-page paper in response to ONE of the three prompts listed below that will require you to engage with course materials and conduct outside research.

Deadline for Completion and Academic Integrity:

You must submit your paper via email (NOT Canvas) at as a WORD DOCUMENT (.doc or .docx) otherwise I cannot open it.

You will have from until 11:59 PM on Wednesday, May 18 to complete the final paper. You may not consult, collaborate with, or copy other people or readings for the final paper. The university has strict policies on academic integrity (e.g., plagiarism and cheating), which I have provided for you in the syllabus. These policies apply to take-home exams. To prevent any issues, please contact me directly and immediately if you have questions about the midterm paper.


You will be graded according to the final guidelines and on the quality of your research, analysis, and argumentation. While you will not be graded on grammar, it’s important that your final paper is clear, edited, and well-organized so that I can understand you. You may discuss your final paper with a Writing Center tutor.

Format and Checklist:

12-point Times New Roman font


Page numbers

Name, course, and date single-spaced in the top left corner

Each prompt has multiple parts. You must respond to every single part of the prompt.

You must cite at least ONE in-class source from the second half of the semester.

You must cite at least TWO outside scholarly sources based on your own library research.

You must use a parenthetical citation for all direct quotations.

Upon completion, your final paper should be 4 full pages long NOT including a bibliography. It should not be less than 4 pages.

You may NOT quote my lectures, my worksheets, or anything your peers have written in discussion forum posts. You must write in your own words.

There is only one final prompt, prompt #1, that asks you to write about your own life. You may ONLY use “I” statements in response to prompt #1.

You must have a bibliography/works cited page. Your bibliography/works cited page does NOT count towards the page numbers.


There are many resources at your disposal including but not limited to the Pollak Library, University Learning Center, Writing Center, Diversity Initiatives and Resource Centers and Counseling and Psychological Services.


Got a question? Email me! There’s no such thing as a bad question in WGST 302. Don’t forget to proofread! I strongly encourage you to work on the final paper a little bit every day and to leave one full day for proofreading.

Final Paper Prompts

COVID-19: Describe one issue that has directly affected you during the pandemic. How has the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and related crises changed the way this issue shows up in your life? Do some research on the issue. In addition to explaining what’s going on in your life, explain the structural forces and social factors underlying the issue. What’s the root of the problem and how is it connected to race, gender, and sexuality? Finally, come up with a solution based on your research. Now that you know more, what needs to be done or undone in order to resolve the issue? Write your manifesto for changing the world.


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