You are required to assist management in coordinating the company’s WSH Management System: Workplace Safety and Health System Management Assignment, NTU

Part A – WSH Management System


The internal audit on WSH Management System is failed for your company and one of the non conformances stated there is a particular type of incident (injury or illness) is repeatedly occur in your company.

The Challenge

The Chief Executive Officer of your company assigned you to follow-up with the audit to improve the WSH Management System standards within the organization.

You are required to assist management in coordinating the company’s WSH Management System.

Question 1

Produce a document for coordinating the implementation of WSH management programmes
• Appointment Letter with Job Description and Roles and Responsibilities
• Communication Methods
• Consultation process

Appointment Letter with Job Description and Roles and Responsibilities

Instruction to Candidate: Job Title/ Role must be relevant to the type of incident for e.g. if the type of incident is machine related and then the Job Title/ Role can be Machine Operator

Instruction to Candidate: Choose the stakeholder (must be relevant to the stated Job Title/ Role in the above appointment letter) that you need to communicate

Question 2

Produce a document for coordinating WSH trainings for relevant stakeholders to meet legal and other organizational WSH requirements
• Identify and compile the training needs and training programmes
• Show the schedule
• Prepare the evaluation forms for the training

Identify and compile the training needs and training programmes

Instruction to Candidate: The training must be relevant to the above Job Title/ Role stated in the appointment letter

Question 3

• Show the information in the presentable format and schedule for management review session
• Produce the management review session document

Information in the presentable format and schedule for management review session

Part B – Legal Compliance

Question 4

Produce an updated legal register for the given new WSH Legal and other requirements

New WSH Legal and Other Requirements: WSH (Major Hazard Installations) Regulations

Question 5

Communicate to relevant stakeholders with the given new WSH legal and other requirements

New WSH Legal and Other Requirements:

Question 6

Coordinate communication with government agencies on compliance issues for e.g. clarifying with given legal requirements to maintain WSH Compliance

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