EMCA5103: provide the student with the practical skills and theoretical for risk management plan with essential traits to achieve the project’s goals and objectives: Project Cost Analysis And Appraisal Assignment, OUM, Malaysia


The purpose of this assignment is to provide the student with the practical skills and theoretical for risk management plan with essential traits to achieve the project’s goals and objectives.



The purpose of this assignment is to enable the students to enhance their knowledge on the topic of externalities.

Based on the statement above, you are required to choose any area or field such as construction, manufacturing, oil and gas etc. Conduct a thorough study of the externalities that exists on the field that you have selected in order to complete the following tasks.

i. Identify the extenalities that exist in the field that you have choosen.
ii. Explain how externalities causes inefficient market outcomes.
iii. Explain the goverment policies towards externalities.
iv. Propose the private solution to externalities that you have identified.

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The purpose of this assignment is to enable the students to enhance their knowledge and practical skills on the issues in project cost analysis and appraisal. Over the last few months, new building and renovation projects have been postponed or canceled as economic news worsened due to the spread of COVID‐19.

This is true across all sectors, including commercial/industrial, institutional (governmental agencies, universities and schools) and residential projects. Study the COVID‐19 impacts on capital project and construction programs.

Analyse the important action owners, contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers can take now in order to be better positioned when the pandemic subsides. As a project manager, you need to identify the strategies to solve the issues and prepare a report for your stakeholder.

The documentation should consist of:

i) Introduction: Describe the background of the project case (i.e: project title,
organisation, location, duration, management etc.)

ii) Contents:

• Explain the impact of COVID‐19 to your project cost.
• Explain the strategies to reduce the impact to your current project cost.

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