Social justice in early childhood environment

            With regard to the two articles by Boutte and Hyland about social justice in early childhood environments: Why does Boutte
The post Social justice in early childhood environment first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.







With regard to the two articles by Boutte and Hyland about social justice in early childhood environments:

Why does Boutte speak about “love” and “hate” in relation to social justice?
Which two examples does Boutte provide that illustrate the misconceptions about diversity and which, in her opinion, contribute to inequities and injustices?
What pedagogical strategies supporting social justice does the author present?
What is the key difference between culturally relevant pedagogy and critical pedagogy?
How are issues of power and inequity addressed in either of these pedagogies?
What relevant insight about social justice in early childhood environment did you gain from studying these two articles?



The post Social justice in early childhood environment first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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