2. Yes, there MUST be a title page for your exam – some of you are still not even putting your name on your assignments. 3. The length of your essay on the exam is expected to be 4 – 6 pages, not including title page or reference page) norma margins, standard font size, double-spaced. The exam will consist of one question where you will be asked to advance the theory you believe gives the most compelling explanation of criminal behaviour and provide a comparison to another either contrasting or complimentary theory. This will require some analysis and critical thinking. If you spend three pages reciting the theory to me it will not be responsive to the question. Demonstrate what you have learned and make a case for the theory you choose LAST, BUT NOT LEAST your exam will be rigidly reviewed for plagiarism. Please do not copy someone else’s work without attribution to the original source and submit it to me for grading.

2. Yes, there MUST be a title page for your

exam – some of you are still not even putting

your name on your assignments.

3. The length of your essay on the exam is


expected to be 4 – 6 pages, not including

title page or reference page) norma

margins, standard font size, double-spaced.

The exam will consist of one question where

you will be asked to advance the theory you


believe gives the most compelling

explanation of criminal behaviour and

provide a comparison to another either

contrasting or complimentary theory. This

will require some analysis and critical


thinking. If you spend three pages reciting

the theory to me it will not be responsive to

the question. Demonstrate what you have

learned and make a case for the theory you



LAST, BUT NOT LEAST your exam will be rigidly

reviewed for plagiarism. Please do not copy

someone else’s work without attribution to

the original source and submit it to me for




Don`t copy text!
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