Help With Replies And Assgn Due In 20 Hours – Write My Paper Today

Unit 5 Assignment: Reflection on Memorable Public Speaking

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  • COM 107 Unit 5 Assignment reflection 2022.pdf COM 107 Unit 5 Assignment reflection 2022.pdf – Alternative Formats (046 KB)

Refer to the attached document for complete details and grading rubric.


This week you will complete your reflective assignment by thinking about what you’ve learned in your textbook readings and the unit resources.

In Chapter 12 of your textbook, titled “Planning Public Speaking,” Julia T. Wood writes how public speaking can be informative, persuasive or entertaining.


For this reflective assignment, answer the following questions:

  • Think about a time you experienced someone giving a presentation, speech, sermon or other form of public speaking, formal or informal, either virtually or in person.
  • Why was this public speaking moment memorable to you, as an audience member?
  • What elements were most compelling: the message, the delivery or the content?


  • The assignment should be reflective of your personal thoughts and experiences and do not require citations or incorporation of unit resources or materials.
  • This assignment should be one double-spaced page and does not require APA references or a cover page.
  • Because this is a reflective assignment, your grade will be based on completion rather than content quality.

Unit 5 DB: Convince us of your conflict

Unit 5 DB: Convince us of your conflict

Responses: For your response, you can answer the question that your peers asked in their posts. You can also further discuss your chosen modern-day piece of literature with your peers by further explaining the conflict within it and how it might relate to other conflicts you see in modern-day literature.

Remember to consider the following  Discussion Board Rubric. Discussion Board Rubric. – Alternative Formats


I decided to use The Lottery by Jackson. The conflict is person-society and the inner conflict of Tesse Hutchinson. Mrs. Hutchinson was conflicted when it came to her mortality and following tradition, as the cyclops did in the movie Krull (Yates, 1983).

The cyclops were beings who are cursed to know the exact day they will die. The cyclops and Mrs. Hutchinson were both aware of the day their mortality could end. Mrs. Hutchinson, like the cyclops, was also following traditional values only to question them when the grim reality of death was upon them. And in Mrs. Hutchinson’s case, along with her 300+ community members and neighbors, all holding rocks.

Nowadays we face conflicts like person versus society. We see it often on the news, on social media, and in personal communication. I write about my conflicts with issues I deal with. Rereading them, they sound like poetry. Does anyone else write in a journal about person versus society?


The Handmaid’s Tale is an example of Man vs. Society in the novel the women have no rights to their reproductive systems so to speak. These women are controlled by the men in the households, raped daily only here to bore children for the families they live with. The women are made to dress in the same boring outfits not showing shape size or any features at all. This makes it so the men are less likely to be distracted by the women. (Atwood, 2017)

I chose the book VOX by Christina Dulcher in connection to The Handmaid’s Tale. In this novel, the government decrees that women are no longer allowed to speak more than one hundred words a day. Dr. Jean McClennan is in denial. This simply can not happen. Not in America. Not to her. Soon women are not permitted to hold jobs. The school-age girls are not taught to read or write. Females no longer have a voice. Before, the average person spoke sixteen thousand words each day to get their voices heard, but now if they speak over one hundred they have thousands of volts of electricity surging through their bodies. For herself, her daughter, and all women silenced Jean will reclaim her voice. (Dulcher, 2019)

Question for the class: Do you feel that women are losing their rights slowly now with the happenings in the world today? Why or Why not?

  • Atwood, Margaret. 2017. In dystopian handmaid’s tale, a warning for a new generation not to take rights for granted. PBS News Hour.

Dulcher, Christina. 2019. VOX.

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