Data Collection – Media Journal – Write My Paper Today


Media Journal

February 10 -14, 2020

EMED 1011:  Media in Your Life


Explain in detail your method of collecting media usage data for the week.  Did you keep a small notepad with you at all times?  Did record your activity on your laptop?  Cell phone?

It’s important to think about your data collection technique ahead of time and come up with a recording system that is consistent and accurate.

It’s ok to talk about the difficulties you may have encountered during the week in recording your activity and how you will adjust your approach for journal #2.

Monday, February 10th

Media Use

Video                                                  3 hours

Audio                                                  1 hour

Internet                                              4 hours

Cell phone                                          30 minutes talk, 50 texts

Video games                                      2 hours


Total Hours Using Media                  10 hours 30 minutes

Can also include magazines, newspapers and film (in the theater)

Commentary and Analysis

This is the area in which you would explain why you used the media in the manner that you did this particular day.  For example, what were your motivations for playing video games for 2 hours?

You can talk about your emotional connection to media here as well.  Is listening to radio relaxing while you drive to school?  Did you just “veg out” in front of the television or was your viewing very intentional?

Comment on media multitasking.  Were you texting while you were surfing the web?

This is also a good space to provide detail to your use of media.  For example, 4 hours of Internet usage is quite vague.  Is that mostly on Facebook?  3 hours of video…is that YouTube, broadcast and Netflix combined?

Finally, did any particular media messages stand out to you during this day?  If so, explain why.  You certainly don’t have to stop at one.

(This outline should be replicated for each of the five days covered in this assignment and placed on separate pages)

Statistical Summary for the Week

This is where you ought to provide a summary of your media usage statistics (per medium and overall exposure) for the week.  This is a great place to add in a table and/or chart as a visual representation of your data.

Concluding Remarks

Did anything surprise you about your media consumption?  Did the process of monitoring your media usage change your normal routine?  Do you anticipate that completing this assignment will have any lasting impact on your future media use?  Why or why not?

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