Current Event Health Issue – Write My Paper Today

 Students will complete two current events throughout the semester. For each current event, the student will identify an article about a health-related issue in the local, state, national, or global news and write a summary and reaction to it.  News articles can come from physical or online newspapers or news source websites such as: Cincinnati Enquirer, NPR, New York Times, CNN, ABC News, etc. and should have been written within the last three weeks. Articles from tabloid newspapers and magazines will not be accepted.  The written portion of the assignment should include:

  • Brief summary of the article (Consider including: what, when, where, why, how?)
  • Reaction to the article (Consider including: significance, implications for the public’s health, critique of the story, unanswered questions, etc.)
  • Link to the online article

Papers should be written in a Microsoft Word document using 12 pt font in Calibri or Times New Roman, 1” margins, and double spaced. Include your name and the date in the top left corner of the paper (single spaced).  The assignment content should be written in paragraph format with the summary first, followed by the reaction.  Papers should be 1-2 pages in length. A link to the story should be provided at the end of the paper.

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