The social construction of reality.




Your task is to construct an essay that demonstrates your understanding of the previous statement. Crucial to demonstrate your understanding is the inclusion of four things: One,
an informed and critical discussion on what we mean by “the social construction of reality.”
Two, an informed and critical discussion of how an understanding of the “social construction of reality” informs our understanding of the origins and interpretation of the
Bible. Three, a critical employment of the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible to illustrate how ancient Israelite and early Jewish religion constructed images of God and stories about this
God that manifested religion’s ability both the legitimate and to challenge its social matrixes THEN. Four, a critical reflection on how your own understanding of the Bible and
the religion it reflects has been challenged, confirmed, or a bit of both as a result of your study thus far, including some thoughts on how what you’ve learned can inform how one
interprets and app



The post The social construction of reality. first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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