LAW20370: David is taking his usual walk by the sea when he finds a Rolex lying on the path: Property Law I Assignment, UCD, Ireland

David is taking his usual walk by the sea when he finds a Rolex lying on the path. To the right of the path is a golf course owned by TopTrumps Golf Ltd. To the left of the path is a public beach. David cannot believe his luck, puts the watch in his pocket and brings it home.

When he shows the watch to his wife she tells him he should report it to the county council in case its owner is looking for it. When Dave contacts the council they tell him he can drop the watch to the lost and found office and if no owner is found within one year, he will be entitled to keep it.

One year later David contacts the council but they say they have sold the Rolex to raise funds for a local charity. Advise David if he has any rights to the watch or whether he has a cause of action against the council.

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