The protests in Hong Kong center around the idea of keeping the
the people of that city. You will now write a response
Hong Kong with the rise of democracy in the West. In this response, you will be comparing the people of Hong Kong and their fight for democracy to those early Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian ideals that you read in this credit
Remember to view the following videos for additional information:
Why Is Hong Kong Protesting Against China?
10 Hong Kong Protest Facts – WMNews Ep. 3
If you need additional help, please contact your Social Studies teacher and/or a tutor.
Your response should be at least 2-3 sentences for each question. Remember that your Performance Task accounts for 50% of your final grade for this credit. Do your best work!
● What democratic rights are the citizens of Hong Kong using in their protests?
● Which democratic rights are the Chinese government trying to get rid of by pre-screening candidates for the position of Chief Executive?
ideals of democracy
World History A Credit 1
alive for
comparing the struggle for democracy in
● How are guaranteed by democracy, threatened by other government forms, like ?
● What is your proposed solution to these protests?
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