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Select a clinical treatment guidelines developed by a national organization(attach to file) using the Grove Model by assessing the quality of the guidelines in your practice as a school nurse.

A. Select a clinical treatment guidelines developed by a national organization(attach to file) using the Grove Model by assessing the quality of the guidelines in your practice as a school nurse. Address the following questions:

1. Authors of the guideline
2. Significant of the healthcare problem
3. Strength of research evidence
4. Link to National Standards
5. Cost effective analysis

B. After you review the guideline above, you discover there is a nursing gap at your practice. (student’s not educated on anaphylaxis and the serious of it)

6. Which evidence base model to improve quality of care do you plan to use to make changes
7. Why do you prefer this model?
8. What is the gap of care that you discover?
9. What evidence will you use to make the change in practice?
10. What level of evidence did you select? Where there any other options?
11. What is the plan of care?
12. How will you implement this plan of care?
13. How will you evaluate your plan?
14. How will you disseminate this new knowledge
15. How will you sustain an Evidence Based Practice culture at your school?

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