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As a nurse, being able to use resources to look up medication information helps protect our clients from potential harm.

Comparing Davis Drug Guide Assignment Due: Sat Aug 27, 2022 11:59pmDue: Sat Aug 27, 2022 11:59pmUngraded, 100 Possible Points100 Possible Points Attempt In Progress Next Up: Submit Assignment Unlimited Attempts Allowed Available until Aug 27, 2022 11:59pmAvailable until Aug 27, 2022 11:59pm

As a nurse, being able to use resources to look up medication information helps protect our clients from potential harm. The purpose of this assignment is to help you to become familiar with resources available for looking up information about medications.

For this assignment you will select a drug name that starts with the first initial  of your last name. For example, Professor Pastwa – propranolol, Professor Martin – meclizine, Professor George – gabapentin, or Professor Davis – dabigatran

If there are no drugs that begin with the first initial of your last name, move on to the next letter in your last name until you can find a drug that starts with that letter. For example, if your last name is Johnson, there are no “J” generic drug names, and you would select a generic drug that starts with “O” since it is the next letter in your last name.

Type your answers directly onto the document, then upload the document for your submission of the assignment. Click this blue link to access the document: Drug guide assignment.docx

Comparing Davis Drug Guide and Other Resources Assignment


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