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Kentucky v. king case Brief Assignment In order to learn the case briefing format each student will submit a written brief for the U.S. Supreme Court case of Kentucky v. King, 563 US 452 (2011). The brief should contain four (4) separately titled sections including : Facts, Legal Issue, Court’s Analysis, and Holding/ Rule of Law. The students will be required to determine what legal issues the U.S. Supreme Court is addressing in the case, what rule of law developed

Kentucky v. king case Brief Assignment

In order to learn the case briefing format each student will submit a written brief for the U.S. Supreme Court case of Kentucky v. King, 563 US 452 (2011). The brief should contain four (4) separately titled sections including : Facts, Legal Issue, Court’s Analysis, and Holding/ Rule of Law. The students will be required to determine what legal issues the U.S. Supreme Court is addressing in the case, what rule of law developed as a result of the Court’s decision, and a brief analysis as to why the Court decided the case in the manner that it did. The legal brief should be a minimum of 2-3 pages in length double spaced. A sample legal brief format can be found under the Module 2 materials. DUE BY THE END OF WEEK 4.

Case Brief Rubric

Each legal brief should contain a separate section identifying the following information:

Point Values
Name of case and proper citation

Facts of the case: The factual circumstances that brought the case before the court. In addition, you should discuss what happened in the case at the trial and lower appellate court stages.

Legal Issue: Issue(s) being addressed by the US Supreme Court in the case

Court’s Analysis: Why did the US Supreme Court decide the case in the manner that it did? What justifications does the Court present? What prior case law or statutory law did the Court evaluate in reaching its decision?

Holding/ Rule of Law: What rule of law did the Court establish as a result of its decision or holding?

kindly follow the format that i have attached.


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