Watch this video,
The Couple in the Cage, in Chapter 1:
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or here for the captioned version in Academic Video Online: (Links to an external site.)
There is also a transcript available with the streaming version.
Over the last five hundred years, non-western human beings have been exhibited in the taverns, theaters, gardens, museums, zoos, circuses and world’s fairs of Europe, and the circuses and freakshows of the United States. In ‘The Couple in the Cage,’ the artists’ intent was to create a satirical comment on the notion of discovery. However, they soon realized that many spectators believed the fiction.
In this first essay, consider all of the following:
1. Why do you think museum visitors in the film reacted the way they did?
2. How obvious do you think it was that the caged couple were actors? Would you have been fooled?
3. Do you think that this video criticizes museums as an institution? In your opinion, where is the line between preserving a culture and exploiting it by putting it on display?
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The Couple in the Cage, in Chapter 1:
Link : appeared first on Swift Writers.