CHOOSE TWO OF THE FOUR TO WRITE A DISCUSSION** 1. In the beginning of the story, Gilgamesh is described as a man “who knew the ways, was wise in all things,” and this establishes the role of knowledge and wisdom in the epic. But, is he really wise in all things in the beginning? What are his weaknesses? How does he change throughout the story? 2. Enkidu hails from the wilderness while Gilgamesh is the leader of a human civilization when we meet them. What does Enkidu have to do with Gilgamesh’s transformation by the end of the epic? If

CHOOSE TWO OF THE FOUR TO WRITE A DISCUSSION** 1. In the beginning of the story, Gilgamesh is described as a man “who knew the ways, was wise in all things,” and this establishes the role of knowledge and wisdom in the epic. But, is he really wise in all things in the beginning? What are his weaknesses? How does he change throughout the story? 2. Enkidu hails from the wilderness while Gilgamesh is the leader of a human civilization when we meet them. What does Enkidu have to do with Gilgamesh’s transformation by the end of the epic? If neither Enkidu (wilderness) nor Gilgamesh (civilization) are “complete” or “content” when we first meet them, and through the story they make each other a better person, what does this say about the balance between the two worlds they come from, AND what does it say about mankind being alone? 3. Examine Endiku’s curse of Shamhat when he is dying (7.58-86). Did Shambat wrong him as he claims? Was it good that he became civilized? Why does he blame Shamhat more than Gilgamesh? Is this despair in the face of death? 4. Utanapishtim’s account of the Great Flood in The Epic of Gilgamesh echoes some of the elements of the account of Noah’s flood in the Hebrew Bible, but also differs from it in key ways. If you are familiar with the Biblical account, what do you think is the significance of these similarities/differences? (Don’t just list the similarities and differences, but talk about what you think those differences between in terms of the cultures involved or the message conveyed.)


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