“Nobody knows the troubles I’ve seen” Louis Armstrong For this assignment, write a series of picture diary entries from the point of view of a 1920 five cent coin. Starting your diary sometime in the 1920s will allow you to experience the highs (1920s) and lows (1930s) of this time period. Think of the different themes explored in this unit and use them to develop your journeys. Include the following information in your entries:

“Nobody knows the troubles I’ve seen” Louis Armstrong

For this assignment, write a series of picture diary entries from the point of view of a 1920 five cent coin. Starting your diary sometime in the 1920s will allow you to experience the highs (1920s) and lows (1930s) of this time period. Think of the different themes explored in this unit and use them to develop your journeys. Include the following information
in your entries:

• What name have you given yourself? Is there any significance to it?
• Your first day “on the job”
• Different areas of Canada you traveled to
• Different modes of transportation you experienced
• Different types of people you ‘experienced’
• Joy and sorrow that you experienced (through your owner(s))
• Were you ever lost or won?
• What was your best day? What was your worst day?

Transition from wartime to peacetime economy (think returning soldiers/jobs), prohibition, bootlegging, women’s rights (social freedoms, suffrage movement, politics, Person’s Case), buying on credit, Stock Market Crash, Depression,
Dust Bowl, On to Ottawa Trek and the Regina Riot, Sport

People: PM Mackenzie King (Five-cent comment), PM R. B. Bennett (personal generosity), Bobbie Rosenfeld, Lionel ‘Big Train’ Conacher, The Saskatoon Lily, The Famous Five (Emily Murphy, Nellie McClung, Henrietta Edwards, Louise McKinney, Irene Parlby), Ted Rogers, Emily Carr, Tom Thomson and the Group of Seven (Carmichael, Harris, Jackson, Johnston, Lismer, MacDonald and Varley), Agnes MacPhail, Cairine Wilson, Edmonton Grads, Bible Bill
Aberhart, JS Woodsworth,

Spread your diary entries over days, weeks, months or years. Your assignment should include:

• Cover page (assignment name, my name, your name, and date)
• Minimum of five diary entries
• Relevant photos that represent themes during this time period
• Discuss what the pictures represent and how you are connected to them

Assignment format: Word, PowerPoint, video, Prezi, audio (with accompanying photos) – or other. Have fun


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