Assignment is an 9 page research paper about, Inc. The Objective: Assume the role of business consultants, reporting to the metrics-oriented CEO and Board of your chosen firm. The Company: Chosen Company is, Inc. The Analysis: 1 – You should devise a weighted, quantitative scoring system (1-100) of your own making that will comprise an important metric for the company, both as a current snapshot and a basis on which to evaluate its ongoing performance. Do not short-change this element. The actual score chart can be placed at the end of the paper. Score the following only: -CSR – Sustainabil

Assignment is an 9 page research paper about, Inc.
The Objective: Assume the role of business consultants, reporting to the metrics-oriented CEO and Board of your chosen firm.
The Company: Chosen Company is, Inc.
The Analysis:
1 – You should devise a weighted, quantitative scoring system (1-100) of your own making that will comprise an important metric for the company, both as a current snapshot and a basis on which to evaluate its ongoing performance. Do not short-change this element. The actual score chart can be placed at the end of the paper. Score the following only:
-CSR – Sustainability(especially climate issues) – Business ethics (supply chain practices, use of tech.
– Consumer antitrust, litigation – Community issues – Board structure (diversity, etc)
2 – The content of the analysis will vary according to the characteristics and circumstances of the company and its industry, and the preferences of the students in the groups. Among the issues that you address are the following:
I) What is Amazon’s Board Structure (type, key personnel and diversity)? Is it adequate for the 21st Century governance?
II) The Corporation and its relationship to society and stakeholders; who are its stakeholders (investors, employees, customers, suppliers) what is the corporation’s relationship with society? Who are the stakeholders and what approaches does the corporation utilize to engage its stakeholders? How successful are these approaches?
III) What are the key stakeholder issues, e.g., what is the company’s labor practices and how well does the company interface with its customers and suppliers?
IV) Corporate social responsibility (CSR); How socially responsible is the corporation in conducting its business? How does the company measure its CSR performance? What climate change challenges does Amazon face? What are they doing about it?
V) What ethical practices do the corporation, and its employees follow? How effective is its corporate governance? Predict sustainability, and especially climate issues Ver. 2022-08-25 17 Business ethics. How ethically does the company perform in its supply chain practices/global business competition? How ethically does the company use its technology?
VI) Give an overview of any Consumer, Antitrust and Litigation Issues, Community Issues. Give conclusions and recommended actions on a couple of them. How has Amazon handled any recent crisis?
VII) After analyzing the company based on the above criteria, what conclusion do you form of the performance of chosen company and what are three most important recommendations for the company, going forward?
Sources: For research, you will be able to rely heavily on published data – including annual reports, 10k reports, newspaper, and magazine articles, press releases, and other relevant websites.


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