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As a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) starting your telehealth business, write the following to your website to convince clients. 1, Introduce yourself 2, Description your job 3, Types of clients you will be helping or care fore 4, Types of mental disorders you will be caring fore

As a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) starting your telehealth business, write the following to your website to convince clients.

1, Introduce yourself

2, Description your job

3, Types of clients you will be helping or care fore

4, Types of mental disorders you will be caring fore

5, What motivate you to start your own telehealth business?

6, Why you are the best psychiatric mental health nurse to provides mental services?

7, Your experiences noted. You were RN working in acute care setting for 2 years before moved Behavior unit BHU in the same hospital for 4 years. Also, you were license Practical Nurse (LVN) 6 years before became RN.


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