Assignment Task
Give the main results in latex typed assignment referring to the table outputs from STATA. The latex le should import tables generated through the STATA code and saved in latex format. Do not manually copy paste the tables. Please send the completed outputs over email (4 outputs- latex pdf and tex file, tex tables, one graph file, do file).
Q1. Refer to the National Sample Survey data on employment and unemployment round (2004) and answer the below questions.
Based on the data provided compute the following statistics for the population:
Compute the marginal distribution of caste (SC/ST/OBC/General) and sex (Male, Female) in the individual population.
Compute the joint distribution of sex (Male, Female) and caste (SC/ST/OBC/General) in the individual population.
Calculate the average monthly per capita consumption expenditure for households across the states of India? Which are the topmost states in terms of consumption per capita?(The variable mpce in NSS gives monthly consumption expenditure for the household, divide it by household size, given in variable hh_size to get monthly per capita consumption for the household. Use the household le (level01) to calculate the mean for each state)
Calculate the deciles of per capita expenditure for households across India. Show the cut-os for each decile. Do this using household data. (Use the household le (level01) to calculate the deciles for India)
Now use the individual level le and keep individuals aged 15-59. Compute the proportion of females currently employed by principal status (Status codes 11-51 for employment in pri_activity_status). Compute the proportion of males currently employed (Status codes 11-51 for employment in pri_activity_status). Is the employment proportion signicantly different across males and females?
Does the employment rate by principal status for females (aged 15-59) differ across expenditure deciles? Plot in a graph and comment. (Hint: Merge the individual level data with the deciles created in part 4, compute the employment rate by principal status for females. The unique identifier for household is the variable common_id and the unique identifier for an individual is common_id person_srl_no).