Assignment Task
Transitioning to professional practice is a critical phase for the novice Registered Nurse. Managing professional role requirements, organisational technologies and team dynamics while on shift can be challenging. This is often accompanied by changed personal circumstances, with graduates balancing shift work, working full time and socialization with friends and family. The case study identifies potential challenges for new graduates and provides opportunity to propose evidence-based recommendations to address these problems.
Written assignment/Case study addressing potential challenges for new graduates and providing opportunity to propose evidence-based recommendations to address these problems.
Harry appears to be struggling during his clinical shift. He also seems to be having difficulty maintaining a work/life balance.
Critically analyse the provided case study to answer all of the following three questions within an essay format:
1. Determine and justify whether the graduate RN met (or did not meet) their role and responsibilities as an RN during this shift. Provide at least two (2) case study examples and support your discussion using evidence, including Nursing and Midwifery Board Australia (NMBA) Registered Nurse Practice Standards (2016). (LO1 & LO3)
2. Construct at least three (3) recommendations as to how the Graduate RN could have undertaken this shift differently. Consider in your discussion the knowledge, skills and attitudes inherent in the RN role, including utilisation of technology and teamwork skills, and justify your discussion with evidence. (LO2, 3, 5 & 6)
3. Transitioning from student to Graduate Registered Nurse can be difficult. Construct and analyse at least two (2) evidence-based strategies that would support the Graduate RN’s work life balance and promote resilience during the transition period, (LO3, 4, 5).