MMW2265 – Innovation and Global Marketing Logistics
Krita Infomatics Best Academic Writing Services
Word Count : 3000 words
Learning Outcomes :
On successful completion of the module the student should be able to:
Demonstrate a critical understanding of the characteristics of products and services (→ CW1, CW2) Critically evaluate the role of entrepreneurial thinking in marketing innovation in response to a dynamic global marketplace (→ CW1, CW2) Critically analyse the role of sourcing and distribution as well as associated contemporary issues in a global marketing context (→ CW2) Establish a responsible plan to implement and control the sourcing and distribution of an innovation in a global context (→ CW2)
This module will comprise the following activities:
Directed Learning
Independent LearningAssessment
Assessment guidance
CWK 1 Purpose of this Assessment
The purpose of this assessment is for you to understand and demonstrate an understanding of what product and services are, how to manage the innovation process and lastly pitch an innovation to potential funding opportunities and customers.
Task Required
In pairs or small teams, present and critically reflect on an original product or service innovation that delivers clear, novel customer value in a dynamic global marketplace.
Your presentation is made up of three parts:
Video, all students will participate, duration 1 minute PPT Presentation, all students will present, duration 9 minutes 3. Facilitation of questions and answer session (Q&A), duration 5 minutes
CWK 2 Purpose of this Assessment
The purpose of this assessment is for you to demonstrate your understanding of the role of marketing logistics in realising the value proposition of a product or service. This will look at both the sourcing as well as the distribution of your product in consideration of the current global context and dynamics with a view to establishing a responsible sourcing and logistics policy for your innovation.
Task Required
Individually, develop a responsible and effective global sourcing and logistics portfolio to deliver customer value for your innovation concept presented in CW1.
Referencing Style : Harvard
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