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Buisness Work: Write about a buisness related Article ( in North America and relevent in the last 4 months). Then Pick a leadership quote of a company owner or government leader that has a positive impact to the world or company. Share your thoughts on the quote and build some connection. After on another sheet, write an intent statement, Further details will be provided. All of these should be written in a word document or whatever electronic presentation as you wish such as a ppt but I reccomend word doc for most. Rubric & expec

Buisness Work: Write about a buisness related Article ( in North America and relevent in the last 4 months). Then Pick a leadership quote of a company owner or government leader that has a positive impact to the world or company. Share your thoughts on the quote and build some connection. After on another sheet, write an intent statement, Further details will be provided. All of these should be written in a word document or whatever electronic presentation as you wish such as a ppt but I reccomend word doc for most. Rubric & expectation is attached as well & Further detail on each work and expectation is provided.
You will need to find one current (published within the last 4 months) news articles that have some connection to course content (such as role of management, Leadership/Management in a Buisness, Organizing or Human Resources, Company Planning, Group Dynamics, Change in Workplace/Leadership & Management etc.) and learning. For each article: Provide the article reference – author, title, date, and source. If a web source, share the direct link to the article as well. Include a one-page summary/analysis for the article: Briefly summarize the article. In several paragraphs, identify links to course content/learning. Why is the article relevant and how does it relate to some element of course learning? How does this article help construct your vision of business leadership as learned in the course? Leadership Quote Locate at least one leadership quotes from a real current or former organizational leader. You will create a visual poster or collage built around the quote. You will: Identify the leader’s name and share the quote. Explain why the quote is important and how it resonates with you. Make connections to some element of course content/theory in a meaningful way (at least one written paragraph for each quote). Personal Intent Statement You will create a personal intent statement. This is a several-paragraph statement that quickly captures your abilities and where you are heading in your life. Your statement should include and make reference to: Your personal strengths and advantages. Identify areas for growth – weaknesses. (Strengths: Hard Work, Initiative, Commutive, Good at TeamWork etc. Weakness: Procastination, Poor Time Management, Poor Self Regulation when I have things left to do ) A brief reflection on jobs you see yourself doing in the future. (Go to post secondary and start a job in potential engineering & IT field. Save money and start a buisness related to my career. I look up to buisnesses and companies like Microsoft, Google, Apple etc.)<- Write something related to my career. You may organize your Portfolio in one of the following methods: A word-processed document in business report style. A website. An electronic presentation (e.g., Google Slides, Microsoft Powerpoint, etc.) Infographic. Other.


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