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Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, (1770-1831)

As with the papers, this presentation will be over the philosopher of your choice, but here you are not limited in any other way than your subject cannot be on the same person you covered in either paper. Specifically, this presentation will be covering the historical context for the philosopher and details about at least one of his theories . Which theory you cover is up to you.
In more detail, ideally it will be a narrated PPT, but using bullets on the slides and putting the commentary is the notes section will be sufficient. The history component should cover not only birth and death, but where the person lived and what kinds of historical events might have played a role in the development of the philosophy. For example, Hegel could hear the cannon fire from Napoleon’s army at the battle of Jena as he was penning the last pages of his Phenomenology of Mind. It would not be surprising if this influenced his idea that he was witnessing the end of history. Some of this may be speculation but be sure you can justify your claims with evidence and good reasoning. For the theory part, be as thorough as you can be in summarizing the details of that theory. It need not be full detailed account, but there must be enough to demonstrate you understand the theory. Having this delivered in a PPT is to allow for your creative side to shine.
Narrated or with detailed notes explaining the bullets on the slides
One philosopher
The historical context of his life
One theory in enough detail to demonstrate an understand the theory
MLA formatting must be used with citations no the slides or in the notes and a works cited slide at the end.

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