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Strategic Management in UNILEVER

Strategic Management in UNILEVER

Krita Infomatics Best Academic Writing Services

Word Count : 3000 words

Assessment criteria

– Comprehensiveness, depth, and relevance of analyses and discussion (40%)

– Extent to which concepts and theoretical frameworks are incorporated (30%)

– Inclusion and analysis of required company information (20%)

– Clarity and coherence of writing and correct adherence to the submission guidelines (10%)



– The report should not exceed a total of 3,000 words, including the executive summary and citations but excluding the cover page, table of contents, reference list, and appendices. Work that is over the stated word length will attract a penalty in proportion to the additional words.

– The word count must be indicated on the cover page of the report.

– The title should not exceed 15 words and must be followed by a 250-word executive summary.

– The report should consist of a title, an executive summary, an introduction, the main body, a discussion section, and a reference list.

– Appendices are only to include supplementary material. Any information/ diagram vital to your answer must appear in the main body of your assignment.

– For the format, use single spacing and Arial 12-pt font in MS Word. Your coursework should be submitted as a Word document.

– References must follow the Harvard style.

Module Materials:

Textbook: Rothaermel, F. T. 2021. Strategic management (5th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

The post Strategic Management in UNILEVER first appeared on Krita Infomatics.

The post Strategic Management in UNILEVER appeared first on Krita Infomatics.


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