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An Effective Dynamic Solution for Black Hole Attack Detection

An Effective Dynamic Solution for Black Hole Attack Detection – Conference

Krita Infomatics Best Academic Writing Services

Learning outcomes:  

This conference will be a distinguished way for gathering academic and scientific community together for the formal, informal and open-ended exchanges of ideas with a view to discuss and promote them. Ideas, research and innovations are the dominions of this conference which is an effort to bring together researchers, academics and policy-makers.

The major objectives of the conference are:

1. To create an interdisciplinary research and academic environment.
2. To strengthen the implementation of research in Printing & Packaging
Technology & and Advancement in Computer Science & Engineering.
3. To create a space for collaborative links among academicians, policy makers and industries.
4. Aiming at long-term sharing of knowledge and discussions of relevant issues.

The major themes for the conference will be:

The conference will include invited talks and research papers presentation on “Recent Trends & Impact of Innovation on Printing & Packaging and
Computer Technology” in the area of Printing & Packaging Technology and Computer Science Engineering & Advancement with following sub-themes but not limited to:

 Engineering and Technology in Computer Science
i. Artificial Intelligence
ii. Internet of things 
iii. Cloud printing
iv. 3D printing
v. Robotics

Printing & Packaging Technology
i. Innovation in printing & packaging technology
ii. Skill developments and their impact on inclusive growth

iii. Technological advancement and new business development with security in printing arena
iv. Sheet fed, digital printing
v. Erasable printing technology vi. Green printing
vii. Bridging the gape among past, present and future printing & packaging technology


The post An Effective Dynamic Solution for Black Hole Attack Detection first appeared on Krita Infomatics.

The post An Effective Dynamic Solution for Black Hole Attack Detection appeared first on Krita Infomatics.


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