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Research Project 1is the first assessment in PSYC1090, which: Aims to introduce the research process Provides opportunities to engage with, analyse and write up an experimental research study Takes the form of a research report The Research Project 1 Guide describes a (simulated) research study and includes the materials and dataset from this study This assessment requires you to write up this study in the form of a research report (note that you are NOT required to conduct this study or collect data) Research Project 1 reports should: Be formatted according to the Reporting Style Guidelines for Practical Reports and Projects Include references formatted a

Research Project 1is the first assessment in PSYC1090, which:
Aims to introduce the research process
Provides opportunities to engage with, analyse and write up an experimental research study
Takes the form of a research report
The Research Project 1 Guide describes a (simulated) research study and includes the materials and dataset from this study
This assessment requires you to write up this study in the form of a research report (note that you are NOT required to conduct this study or collect data)
Research Project 1 reports should:
Be formatted according to the Reporting Style Guidelines for Practical Reports and Projects
Include references formatted according to APA 7th (e.g., see citethemright.com)
Be no longer than 2,000 words (excluding references and appendices)
Be uploaded to Turnitin no later than 12 noon on 09 January 2023
Your report should also:
Include the following headers and sections: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Method (Participants, Design, Materials, and Procedure), Results, Discussion, References, and Appendices
Review prior research articles, develop a motivation and hypothesis for the Research Project 1 study, report on its method and results and discuss its implications
Include at least two additional references alongside those provided (i.e., and relevant discussion)


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