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Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of management accounting information and systems in supporting: Financial Management and Accounting Assignment, OU, UK

Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of management accounting information and systems in supporting management control of organizational effectiveness, responsibility, and sustainability.
Compare alternative investments and scenarios.


Have you chosen appropriate external users and demonstrated an understanding of the type of information that your chosen external users require and how that information would be used?
Is your selection of ratios and other analysis of information contained in the financial statements, including trend analysis and graphs, instrumental to the decision-making of your chosen external users?
Are your calculations correct and based on appropriate figures?
Are your explanations coherent with the result of your analysis, well explained, and convey your critical evaluation throughout?


Have you explained the rationale behind the underlying assumptions for the discounted cash flow valuation method?
Have you applied the DCF method accurately to estimate the share valuations and have you critically evaluated your results?

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