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Part 1: Interview Conduct a 30-minute interview with an individual who works in the criminal justice system and is involved in crisis intervention. Prepare and ask at least 5 questions related to processes and procedures within crisis intervention. The first question should be about the interviewee’s role within the crisis intervention team. Follow up with a professional thank-you note after the interview. Part 2: Summary Write a 700- to 875-word summary of the interview. Address the following: Describe the interviewee’s role in the

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Part 1: Interview

Conduct a 30-minute interview with an individual who works in the criminal justice system and is involved in crisis intervention.

Prepare and ask at least 5 questions related to processes and procedures within crisis intervention. The first question should be about the interviewee’s role within the crisis intervention team.

Follow up with a professional thank-you note after the interview.

Part 2: Summary

Write a 700- to 875-word summary of the interview. Address the following:

Describe the interviewee’s role in the crisis intervention team.

Summarize the interviewee’s answer to each question asked during the interview.

Reflect on what you can take away from the interview regarding what works and what doesn’t work within crisis intervention teams.

Include as an appendix the following documents:

List of your interview questions ~ separate page in the appendix.

Professional thank-you note ~ separate page in the appendix and must be addressed on a professional level


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