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Overview: In this assignment you will investigate the impact or potential impact of nurse caring in treatment of persons with addiction. In a written paper, you will be presenting your evidence-based view of how nurse caring can or cannot be a mechanism for treating opioid use disorder. Instructions This is an APA fo

In this assignment you will investigate the impact or potential impact of nurse caring in treatment of persons with addiction. In a written paper, you will be presenting your evidence-based view of how nurse caring can or cannot be a mechanism for treating opioid use disorder.

This is an APA formatted paper of 2-3 pages. Do not go over 3 pages (excluding title page and reference page). There is no title placed on the first page of the body of the paper. Use only level one headings and no abstract. Level one headings are in bold font, centered and contain 2-3 words.

First 1-2 paragraphs: Begin by briefly describing suffering and healing as it occurs for opioid addicted clients, and how nurse caring fits within or is an example of some of the suggested treatment methods. Synthesize the topic of stigma as it is an important topic in mental health and a potential source of suffering for clients. Cite and reference.

Choose one (no more) of the following and provide a cited and referenced description of the main concept or associated theory.
1. Caring Science
2. Any of the nurse caring theories (Do not use the same Theorist you use in this week’s Discussion Assignment)
3. Strength Based Nursing

Describe how the concept or associated theory creates a framework for supporting clients through treatment and recovery. Cite and reference.
Last paragraph: Conclude in a brief (2-3 sentences) wrap up of your paper. As such, no new information will be in this area, so no cited data would be used
You are required to have at least one reference from the Weekly Learning Resources and at least one outside, peer-reviewed scholarly source, < 3 yr old that supports your content.
This assignment will be graded using the Rubric associated with this type of assignment found here:


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