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Write a Geopolitical discourse analysis of the map attached in the document. You must read the reading material attached before writing this paper, in order to adequately accomplish what is needed. Remember this is NOT an essay exercise with references of secondary sources and perspectives of different authors. You must focus on the map and provide an original critical, visual geopolitical discourse analysis of the map that is attached in the document below. Please read further detailed instructions and the required structure of this paper will be provided in the word doc below.

Write a Geopolitical discourse analysis of the map attached in the document. You must read the reading material attached before writing this paper, in order to adequately accomplish what is needed. Remember this is NOT an essay exercise with references of secondary sources and perspectives of different authors. You must focus on the map and provide an original critical, visual geopolitical discourse analysis of the map that is attached in the document below. Please read further detailed instructions and the required structure of this paper will be provided in the word doc below.


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