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WEEK 8 FINAL SIMULATION ASSIGNMENT Course Objectives: Students will become familiar with business theories and approaches relating to various business environments (Domestic, Global, Technological, Political-Legal, Socio-Cultural, and Economic). Students will evaluate the business environments and practices of selected companies. Students will evaluate the business environments of a company identified as a “worst” company to learn why it is not successful. Students will apply su

Course Objectives:

Students will become familiar with business theories and approaches relating to various business environments (Domestic, Global, Technological, Political-Legal, Socio-Cultural, and Economic).
Students will evaluate the business environments and practices of selected companies.
Students will evaluate the business environments of a company identified as a “worst” company to learn why it is not successful.
Students will apply successful company strategies and business theory to recommend a successful strategy for the “worst” company.
This is it! Here you integrate environments of your chosen company — simulating it in the six business environments. At this point, you should have all elements identified. The assignment this week will be a final simulation project for your case study “Worst” company. Continue to Lesson 8 and the Final Simulation Assignment for more information and details. Your simulation will be in the form of a PowerPoint Presentation rather than another paper.

LO – 8 – Given a chosen company, the student will be able to: identify the studied environments (Domestic, Global, Technological, Political-Legal, Socio-Cultural, and Economic) of that company; combine these environments, and develop a final analysis that synthesizes government regulations for the company’s Domestic and Global Environments; identify the hard and soft Technology for the company; identify the Political-Legal barriers for the company in its Domestic and Global Environments; identify the Socio-Cultural factors of the Domestic and Global Environments of the company; and identify two economic theories that apply to successful strategy for the company’s Domestic and Global Environments
Using your selected “worst” company your Instructor approved from week 1 assignment and referencing the six papers you developed for Weeks 2-7, integrate the company’s six business environments by completing the following in a PowerPoint Presentation.
Identify the company’s domestic environment and discuss how the government regulations affect its domestic environment it must operate in.
Identify a global environment for the company and discuss how the government regulations affect its global environment it must operate in.
Identify the hard and soft technology and interpret the characteristics the company should have/use to be successful in its domestic and global environment.
Identify the political-legal barriers for the company in both the domestic and global environments. Use business theory/theorists to illustrate how the company can operate successfully in its domestic and global environment.
Identify, compare, and contrast socio-cultural factors of the domestic and global environments of the company.
Compare and contrast two economic theories for both the domestic and global environments of the company.
Note how these environments interrelate in their influence on this company’s business.
Review the rubric – PPT criteria addresses:
How government regs affect #1 & #2:
#1 –domestic environment
#2 – global environment

#3 – Hard/soft technology in domestic/global
#4 – Business theory for political-legal barriers

#5 –socio-culture
#6 – two economic theories

Instructions for presenting the above as your final simulation:

Develop a PowerPoint presentation of your strategy of success for the company based on your evaluation of steps 1-6 above, by assessing what you’ve learned through your research and readings. Compare what the company has been doing as a “worst” to what you recommend it should be doing. You cannot state that you would not change anything.
Your presentation should be 13-15 content slides to discuss your findings in response to the topics above.
Be sure to include detailed speaker’s notes with your slides OR create a an audio narrative with the PPT slides, or a video of yourself giving the presentation of the slides.


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