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Project Plan The student will begin with a description of the change model and why it was selected as the model for this specific change. The student should obtain the model from a primary source and ask permission to use the model. Evidence of model authorization should be added to the end of the proposal. The model, the student, selects should be appropriate to the recommended change (either individual change or organizational change). The student will present the model to describe the practice change that the student recommends, even if that is reinforcement and education regarding the status quo. The change pro

Project Plan
The student will begin with a description of the change model and why it was selected as the model for this specific change. The student should obtain the model from a primary source and ask permission to use the model. Evidence of model authorization should be added to the end of the proposal. The model, the student, selects should be appropriate to the recommended change (either individual change or organizational change). The student will present the model to describe the practice change that the student recommends, even if that is reinforcement and education regarding the status quo. The change process should be specific to the project setting. The student may make each model step a level 2 heading (title case and flush left) and then describe how the student would implement that step of the change in your selected setting. The change process must be specific to the student’s question and the answer that student found through your literature review and your setting.

It should be a complete process using the model as a guide. The student should include a discussion of barriers and facilitators. The student should create a schedule for the project as an Appendix in the form of a schedule or a Gantt chart.

The student should address the timeframe for the change process and the evaluation, keeping in mind that this project needs to be achievable within the next two Capstone courses. Include resources required for your project and a budget.

Project Evaluation
This section must include how the student will evaluate the planned practice change project. The project evaluation plan must evaluate your PICOT question’s outcome(s). Discuss recruitment and selection of participants or subjects, including inclusion and exclusion criteria. Discuss the evaluation design and whether you will use primary or secondary data for the comparison group. Discuss formative and summative criteria for evaluation and time points for the evaluation. Describe and include any tool(s) to be used in your project evaluation as Appendices and discuss the tool’s reliability and validity of the tool(s). Identify the type of data (i.e., nominal, ordinal, interval, or continuous) produced by the evaluation tool(s). Discuss how you will control extraneous variables. Discuss planned analysis of your evaluation data. Discuss how you will protect human rights and ensure health information privacy.


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