Read Writing a Comprehensive Report in Special Education, located on the National Association of Special Education Teachers website. URL:http:// After formal assessments for

Read Writing a Comprehensive Report in Special Education,
located on the National Association of Special Education Teachers
After formal assessments for determining eligibility under
IDEAs 13 disability categories are completed, schoolbased
specialists are charged with summarizing the results to aid team
decision making. In turn, specific recommendations are made to
ensure school staff and family members fully understand how
programming and supports should be implemented to address
documented student needs. It is vital that teachers understand how
to review assessment results and be an active team member in
collaborating with families around the specific recommendations to
be implemented. Teachers must be able to advocate for necessary
programming and supports while still addressing the questions/needs
of family members.
Review the Report of Psychological Assessment: Scott Smith to
inform the assignment.
As the special education teacher, you have been tasked with
summarizing Scotts psychological report and creating a plan to
help him improve his social skills and make better behavior choices
in the general education setting.
Using the Scott Smith Assessment and Recommendations Template
create a plan for Scott.
Include the following:

Summary: In 100200 words, summarize the psychological report.
Include specific data and observation information that will help
guide Scotts educational goals.
Goals: Write one behavioral goal related to classroom behavior
and one social/emotional goal related to peer interaction. Goals
must be measurable and include how to address the target behaviors
with a replacement behavior.
Assessments: In 150250 words, identify one informal or formal
assessment method for measuring Scotts progress with his
behavioral and social/emotional goals. Briefly explain why the
assessment is appropriate for progress monitoring, including how
bias is minimized.
Recommendations: Based on information and assessment results in
the study, in 100250 words, include 34 total, specific
recommendations to manage Scotts behavior for the school,
teachers, and parent, keeping information about Scott and his best
interest in mind and in guiding educational decisions.
Rationale: In 150250 words, justify your choices as an
advocate for Scott. Make sure to explain how your summary, goals,
assessment methods, and recommendations minimize bias and advocate
for Scotts needs. Support your choices with 23 scholarly
Parents Collaboration and Conference Plan: Compose a 250500
word plan explaining the Summary, Goals, Assessments, and
Recommendations sections to Scotts parents in easytounderstand
language. Support your explanations with data analyses, sharing how
assessment information led to educational decisions with
colleagues, and collaborating with his parents to promote student
success. In addition, anticipate possible concerns his parents may
have, addressing each with applicable strategies. Conclude your
plan with recommendations to meet again with his parents to assess
and discuss Scotts progress.
Take Home Activity: In addition, create a 125250 word take
home activity for Scotts parents, consistent with your
recommendations. Using encouraging, supportive language, outline a
minimum of two engaging athome strategies for student behavior and
social/emotional improvement, considering historical and family

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to
beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations
for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer
to theLopesWrite Technical Support articlesfor
College of Education (COE) program competencies assessed:

COE 4.2:Select and use technically sound formal and informal
assessments that minimize bias. [CEC 4.1, ICSI.4.K1, ICSI.4.K2,
ICSI.4.K4. ICSI.4.S1, ICSI.4.S5, ICSI.4.S2, ICSI.4.S8, IGC.4.K1,
IGC.4.K3, IGC.4.S1, IGC.4.S2, IGC.4.S3, IGC.4.S4; InTASC 6(a),
6(b), 6(h), 6(j), 6(k); GCU Mission Critical 2, 3, 5]

COE 4.3:Use knowledge of measurement principles and
practices to interpret assessment results and guide educational
decisions for individuals with exceptionalities. [CEC 4.2,
ICSI.4.K1, ICSI.4.K2, ICSI.4.K3, ICSI.4.K4, ICSI.4.S1, ICSI.4.S5,
ICSI.4.S6, ICSI.4.S8, IGC.4.K1; InTASC 6(c), 6(k), 7(l), 7(q); GCU
Mission Critical 2 and 5]

COE 4.4:In collaboration with colleagues and families, use
multiple types of assessment information in making decisions about
individuals with exceptionalities. [CEC 4.3, ICSI.4.K1, ICSI.4.K2,
ICSI.4.S4, ICSI.4.S1, ICSI.4.S6, ICSI.6.K4, ICSI.7.K2, ICSI.7.K3,
ICSI.7.K4, ICSI.7.S2, ICSI.7.S3, ICSI.7.S4, ICSI.7.S5, ICSI.7.S3,
ICSI.7.S10, IGC.4.K1, IGC.4.K2, IGC.4.K3, IGC.7.K2, IGC.7.S2;
InTASC 6(g), 6(i), 6(o), 6(t), 6(v), 9(c), 9(l) 10(a); GCU Mission
Critical 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

COE 5.6:Advance the profession by engaging in activities
such as advocacy and mentoring. [CEC 6.5, ICSI.6.K2, IGC.6.K4,
ICSI.6.K6, ICSI.6.S1, ICSI.6.S2, ICSI.6.S4, ICSI.6.S5, ICSI.6.S6,
IGC.6.K5, IGC.6.S2; InTASC 10(j); GCU Mission Critical 1, 3,

How to write a plagiarism free academic paper

Creating a plagiarism free academic paper can be challenging. It is important to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity by adhering to plagiarism-free writing practices. Here are some tips to help you write a plagiarism free academic paper:
1. Research thoroughly – Before starting your paper, make sure you have conducted extensive research and gathered enough information to write a thorough and comprehensive paper. Rather than relying on a single source, it is recommended that you consult multiple sources in order to get the full picture and make sure your paper meets academic standards.
2. Cite your sources – To avoid plagiarism, you must properly cite all of the sources you use within your paper. Take note of the exact details of your sources and use a consistent referencing style throughout. Be sure to include all information that is relevant such as author, title, year of publication, etc.
3. Paraphrase – Whenever you are using someone else’s ideas or words in your paper, make sure you paraphrase them accurately and properly credit the source. Do not copy or reproduce someone else’s work as your own; instead, put it into your own words and give them proper credit.
4. Use plagiarism detecting tools – There are various plagiarism detection tools available online to help you check for plagiarism in your paper. These tools can compare your paper to millions of other papers and detect plagiarized content.
5. Proofread your paper – It is important to carefully read through your paper for any plagiarism before submitting it. Check for any errors, inconsistencies, or plagiarized content that may have slipped through the cracks while you were writing. If needed, get a friend or colleague to proofread your paper for plagiarism as well.

By following these steps and writing a plagiarism free academic paper, you can maintain the highest standards of academic integrity. Make sure to be thorough in researching, citing sources properly, and paraphrasing content, checking plagiarism, and proofreading your paper before submitting it. Doing so will ensure that your paper is plagiarism free and of the highest quality.
Be sure to adhere to plagiarism-free writing practices in all your academic papers, as plagiarism can have serious consequences. With these tips, you will be able to write a plagiarism free academic paper with confidence!


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