Choose one insight from Marx’s theory and one insight from Durkheim’s theory that you feel are particularly powerful, fruitful, interesting to analyze society or that are surprising or compelling to you. These insights should be specific observations or arguments that allow you to explain to your a

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Choose one insight from Marx’s theory and one insight from Durkheim’s theory that you feel are particularly powerful, fruitful, interesting to analyze society or that are surprising or compelling to you. These insights should be specific observations or arguments that allow you to explain to your audience what each author’s lenses are all about. Write two separate essays in which you lay out your remarks for your family visit.
Each essay should be 750-1000 words in length, and contain:
An explanation of the insight in your own words, and why you chose it.
Definitions of concepts relevant to your chosen insight.
Quotes from relevant passages by each of the authors.
An explanation of how this specific insight connects to the author’s broader concerns, arguments, and “lens” to analyze society.
A thoughtful example of how this insight relates to some aspect of your own life experience. How has this insight and the lens of the author validated, challenged or changed the way you’ve thought about this personal experience and/or your relationship to society? Choose one insight from Marx’s theory and one insight from Durkheim’s theory that you feel are particularly powerful, fruitful, interesting to analyze society or that are surprising or compelling to you. These insights should be specific observations or arguments that allow you to explain to your audience what each author’s lenses are all about. Write two separate essays in which you lay out your remarks for your family visit.
Each essay should be 750-1000 words in length, and contain:
An explanation of the insight in your own words, and why you chose it.
Definitions of concepts relevant to your chosen insight.
Quotes from relevant passages by each of the authors.
An explanation of how this specific insight connects to the author’s broader concerns, arguments, and “lens” to analyze society.
A thoughtful example of how this insight relates to some aspect of your own life experience. How has this insight and the lens of the author validated, challenged or changed the way you’ve thought about this personal experience and/or your relationship to society? Choose one insight from Marx’s theory and one insight from Durkheim’s theory that you feel are particularly powerful, fruitful, interesting to analyze society or that are surprising or compelling to you. These insights should be specific observations or arguments that allow you to explain to your audience what each author’s lenses are all about. Write two separate essays in which you lay out your remarks for your family visit.
Each essay should be 750-1000 words in length, and contain:
An explanation of the insight in your own words, and why you chose it.
Definitions of concepts relevant to your chosen insight.
Quotes from relevant passages by each of the authors.
An explanation of how this specific insight connects to the author’s broader concerns, arguments, and “lens” to analyze society.
A thoughtful example of how this insight relates to some aspect of your own life experience. How has this insight and the lens of the author validated, challenged or changed the way you’ve thought about this personal experience and/or your relationship to society?

For faster services, inquiry about  new assignments submission or  follow ups on your assignments please text us/call us on +1 (251) 265-5102


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